描述 | Infineon公司的ICE5QR4770AG是准谐振700 V/800 V CoolSET™第五代电源器件,采用DIP-7和DSO-12封装,单封装内有两个单独芯片:一片是控制器,一片是HV MOSFET;有源突发模式使得最低待机功率小于100mW,数字频率以达到较好的系统效率,主要用在家用电器/白色家电,TV,PC和服务器的辅助电源,蓝光播放器,机顶盒和LCD/LED监视器.本文介绍了ICE5QR4770AG产品亮点和主要特性,框图,应用电路图以及采用ICE5QR4770AG的15 W 12 V 5 V SMPS演示板主要指标,电路图,材料清单,变压器结构图和PCB设计图.
The Quasi-Resonant CoolSET™- (ICE5QRxxxxAx) is the 5th generation of Quasi-Resonant integrated power IC optimized for off-line switch power supply in cascode configuration. It is housed in single package with 2 separate chips; one is controller chip and other is HV MOSFET chips. The IC can achieve lower EMI and higher efficiency with improved digital frequency reduction through the proprietary novel Quasi- Resonant operation. The enhanced Active Burst Mode enables flexibility in standby power range selection. The product has a wide operation range (10 ~ 25.5 V) of IC power supply and lower power consumption. The numerous protection functions including the robust line protection (both input OVP and brownout) to support the protections of the power supply system in failure situations. All of these make the CoolSET™ (ICE5QRxxxxAx) series an outstanding integrated .. |