描述 | TI公司的UCC27282 120V低开关损耗和交叉导通保护的半桥驱动器,是N沟MOSFET驱动器,允许两个N-MOSFET由半桥或同步降压配置的拓扑来控制.它的3.5A峰值沉电流和2.5A峰值源电流以及低上拉和下拉电阻允许UCC27282能以最小开关损耗驱动大功率MOSFET.因为输入独立于电源电压,UCC27282可以和两个模拟和数字控制器相连.欠压锁住电压5V,输入连锁,使能/失能功能,典型传输时延为16ns,1800pF负载上升时间为12ns,下降时间为10ns,延迟匹配时间为1ns,最大启动电压120V,失能时的电流为7-μA,集成了自举电路,工作结温为–40℃到140℃.主要用在通信和商用电源,马达驱动和电动工具,辅助逆变器,半桥和全桥转换器,有源钳位正激变换器,高压同步降压转换器和D类音频放大器.本文介绍了UCC27282主要特性,功能框图,典型应用框图以及评估板UCC27282EVM-335主要特性,建立和配置图,电路图,材料清单和PCB设计图.
The UCC27282 is a robust N-channel MOSFETdriver with a maximum switch node (HS) voltagerating of 100 V. It allows for two N-channel MOSFETsto be controlled in half-bridge or synchronous buckconfiguration based topologies. Its 3.5-A peak sinkcurrent and 2.5-A peak source current along with lowpull-up and pull-down resistance allows theUCC27282 to drive large power MOSFETs withminimum switching losses during the transition of theMOSFET Miller plateau. Since the inputs areindependent of the supply voltage, UCC27282 can beused in conjunction with both analog and digital controllers.
The input pins as well as the HS pin are able totolerate significant negative voltage, which improvessystem robustness. Input interlock further improvesrobustn.. |