< Powerint LNK616 5W充电器参考设计资料免费查阅下载
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资料名称Powerint LNK616 5W充电器参考设计
描述Powerint 公司的RD158是采用LinkSwitch-II LNK616的5W充电器参考设计,主要用在无绳电话,手机,PDA,MP3/手提音频设备,适配器,LED驱动器等. LinkSwitch-II系列能极大地简化低功耗CV/CC充电器的设计,它不需要光耦和次级控制电路. LinkSwitch-II系列集成了700V功率MOSFET,新颖的开/关控制状态机,用于自偏置的高压开关电流源,频率抖动器,逐个周期的限流以及滞后的热关断电路.本文介绍了LinkSwitch-II的主要特性,方框图以及应用电路和不需要偏置电源的LinkSwitch-II反激电源电路.同时还介绍了采用LNK616PG的5W充电器参考设计的主要特性,详细电路图和材料清单(BOM). The LinkSwitch-II dramatically simplifies low power CV/CC charger designs by eliminating an optocoupler and secondary control circuitry. The device introduces a revolutionary control technique to provide very tight output voltage and current regulation, compensating for transformer and internal parameter tolerances along with input voltage variations. The device incorporates a 700 V power MOSFET, a novel On/Off control state machine, a high voltage switched current source for self biasing, frequency jittering, cycle-by-cycle current limit and hysteretic thermal shutdown circuitry onto a monolithic IC. LinkSwitch-II 系列亮点: Dramatically Simplifi es CV/CC Converters Eliminates Optocoupler and all secondary CV/CC control circuitry Eliminates all control loop compensation circuitry Advanced Performance Features Compensates fo..


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